Home > Games > Front Led Games > Game 15 > Game 16 Stations

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This is a very popular and active game, a real favourite.

The aim of the game is for the children individually to collect as many tokens as they can, within the allocated game time. Tokens are given out in exchange for station-cards. Each child starts with a cup and a station-card. Station boards manned by leaders with tokens are located around the hall. Children take their station-card to the board bearing the same station name, that is on their card. Leaders at station boards give out tokens in exchange for station-cards. Once the children have exchanged their station-card for a token they get another station-card from other leaders located centrally within the area of play. The scoring may be individual or collectively as a team. The game goes on for 5 -10 minutes or so.

Plenty of open space is required allowing the children to move around the hall freely and safely between station boards.

One or two leaders may be required to collect station- cards from around the hall deposited by children in order to keep replenishing supplies. These can then be returned to the leaders giving out cards.

This is another game requiring a bit of work to get it together but the investment is well worth it. Once set up, the kit will give years of service and provide many children with a lot of fun.


  • A non-breakable child friendly cup in which the children will collect their tokens.

  • Tokens - a good quantity generally required depending on how many children are playing. These might be cut from suitable card or be of proprietary manufacture appropriately purchased.

  • Station-cards - pieces of card with station names printed on them. The number of different station-cards must be equal otherwise there may be an uneven distribution of activity, which may hinder the game flowing freely.

  • Receptacles for holding station-cards and tokens.

  • 4 signs, each baring the names of 4 stations. May be cardboard, hardboard or similar

  • Sufficient leaders to run this game successfully.


  • Site the 4 signs bearing the station names around the hall where they can be clearly seen. Generally corner positions are good for these.

  • One or more leaders with a tub of tokens is posted at each sign. (The more leaders at the boards exchanging station-cards for tokens, the quicker the turnaround for the children)

  • Between 2 and 3 leaders are posted fairly centrally in the hall each having a tub containing the station-cards

  • Before the game starts proper, each child is given a cup in which to collect their tokens. They are also given their first station-card

  • One or two leaders to retrieve station-cards from the leaders posted at the station boards, to return them to the central leaders giving out station-cards.