Week 4 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.

Week 4 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.

Epic Adventure

Bible focus Paul in Athens                

Part 1

Lead-in Session

Outline for Leaders

This week Ed returns from the desert, where at first he found it very lonely because he didn't know any of the people he was travelling with. Eventually, he is able to make friends with some of his fellow travellers, which makes all the difference to Ed. Jim and Ed agree that having friends is so important and none more so, than knowing God as a friend.   

Characters: Ed the adventurer and his friend Jim.

Props: Trainers with sand in them, desert hat, water bottle and gear, maybe a stage cactus, sand, base-camp, a bowl.


Desert kit

Desert kit

Ed: (Comes through stage door in desert attire)

Jim: Wow, Ed you’re right on time!

Ed: (Ed taking a bow) we try to please. Hey, do you have a bucket or a bowl?

Jim: Well it’s funny you should mention that, I was using a bowl earlier on, I’ll go and get it (Jim returns as Ed is starting to take his boots off Jim holds his nose). Hey Ed, what are you doing mate, what a pong, do you have to take your shoes off in here? I think you’re feet could do with a little freshening up.

Ed: OK, OK I wouldn’t be surprised if your feet weren’t a bit smelly too! And I’m taking my shoes off because I’ve got sand in my boots!

Jim: Of course, you’ve just come back from the desert – how was the desert Ed?

Ed: (Ed pours sand into the bucket from his boots) hot, dry, sandy and very lonely. In the daytime it’s hot, at night it’s cold and very dark. No street lights in the desert, no house lights, it’s pitch black. You know, even on an adventure you can feel lonely, especially in a place like the desert, particularly if you haven’t gone with friends and don’t know anyone on the expedition.

Jim: Oh I see you were lonely, so what did you do?   

Ed: I eventually made friends with the other adventurers, it took a couple of days but then it was fine. It made such a difference, you can share with friends, talk and hangout, tell them about any worries or problems.

Jim: Yes Ed it is great to have friends. You know what Ed, that reminds me, the best friend I have is Jesus. I can talk to Him about anything.

Ed: That is so true, Jesus is the best, and later we’re going to hear how Paul told a whole load of people that they could be Jesus’ friends too.      

part 2    

Bible Chat

God's Friends

Scripture reference for Leaders - Acts chapter 17 (Paul in Athens).

Story Props: sign to the unknown God, PowerPoint picture of Athens, a lump of wood, Christmas card, Easter cross

Outline for Leaders

Some ruins in ancient Athens - Download PowerPoint from bottom of this page.

Some ruins in ancient Athens - Download PowerPoint from bottom of this page.

Last week we heard how Paul and one of his friends, Silas, were in Philippi and ended up being thrown in jail. As a result, the Jailer and his whole family came to follow Jesus. So Paul’s journey continued. Paul and his friends travelled on to many other places telling the Good News about Jesus. This week Paul is in Athens, a city in Greece.

Take along a block of wood and talk about how people in Paul’s day created man made god’s to worship.

Take along a block of wood and talk about how people in Paul’s day created man made god’s to worship.

Bible Chat for Kids
I wonder if any of you can remember the first time you heard about Jesus? Was it here in Kids Klub, or from a family member, at school or somewhere else? (Take answers from the kids if there are any wanting to share.)

In the UK we have lots of ways of finding out about Jesus. Can you tell me what things tell us or remind us about Jesus? (Take answers, write on whiteboard if you like.) Yes, churches, kids clubs, Christmas, Easter and we have the Bible too. (Might like to use a few extra props here - Christmas card, Easter cross, Bible…) So there’s lots of opportunities for us to hear about Jesus and decide if we want to become one of His followers.

Do you know, there are places in the world even today, where people have still not heard about Jesus. Places where there are no Bibles, no kids club, no churches. Jesus told His followers to go and tell everyone, everywhere, the Good News about Him. And for the last 2000 years all over the world Jesus’ followers have been spreading news about Jesus every day. We call people who go to other lands to tell people about Jesus, missionaries. (Might like to show the kids a picture of a missionary you know or a famous missionary from history.)

Paul the adventurer we’ve been talking about for the last few weeks was a missionary. He went all over the place telling people the Good News about Jesus. One of the places where he went was Athens in Greece, (show picture of ancient Athens) 2000 years ago the people there had not heard about Jesus and Paul went to tell them.

Sign ‘To the unknown god’. Could equally be drawn on paper or cardboard.

Sign ‘To the unknown god’. Could equally be drawn on paper or cardboard.

When Paul arrived in Athens he found the people worshipping all sorts of man made gods. People made gods out of wood, metal, silver and other stuff (show the kids a lump of wood if you have one). There were idols and images and temples everywhere. Do you know Paul even found a sign “to the unknown god?” The people of Athens didn’t want to miss a god out so they set up this sign.

Paul had wonderful Good News for the people of Athens. He was able to tell them all about the one true and real God and His Son Jesus. Paul told them that Jesus was alive and that they could know Him for themselves and that He would be their own personal friend.

Jesus loves all people and He loved the people of Athens. Paul told them that they didn’t need to worship man made gods anymore, they could worship the true and living God of the whole world and His Son Jesus.

That’s terrific news isn’t it. And for thousands of years the Good news of Jesus has been spread around the world and today millions and millions of people call Jesus their friend. So, don’t forget, Jesus is waiting to hear from you, he’s only a prayer away, He loves you very much and He wants to be your friend too.

part 3       

Response time (in small groups)

1. Do you think people today have gods other than the one true God? (Add qualification to this discussion), things, hobbies, possessions are OK and there's lots and lots of things that God wants us to enjoy. But when something (or somethings) takes over our lives and pushes God out, they effectively become gods.       

2. Do you ever talk to your friends about Jesus? If not, why not?

3. Paul couldn’t stop talking to people about Jesus. It would be good here to share from your own experience, how you personally came to know Jesus and how someone told you about Jesus. Explain that knowing Jesus has meant that you want everyone else to know Him too.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for all your love for us, thank you for being our friend. Please help us to share with others how much You love them and how You want to be their friend too.


Drama script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes.
PowerPoint Week 4 - Key Phrase Slide
PowerPoint Picture of Ancient Athens