Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Lord’s Prayer Intro > Lord’s Prayer WK1
Week 1 - God Our Special Father
For Leaders:
PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.
SLIDE 1 - May be used to introduce the theme of this series ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.
SLIDE 2 - Is the Impact Kids version of the Lord’s Prayer written especially for children. (Copyright)
Each week during this series, it would be good to say the Lord’s Prayer at an appropriate point early on in your programme. You can make this the opening prayer of the evening.
Slide 3 - Week1 theme slide
SLIDE 3 - This week’s material covers the first part of the Lord’s Prayer. ‘Dear God You are our special Father and our King in Heaven’. We’ll look at how we should address and respect God, and how God loves each and every one of us like a good Father. We’ll discuss God as the creator of the universe who wants to be our best friend. God the King of heaven who wants to talk with us each day.
Hi kids this week starts a new series and it’s all about prayer, a very special prayer, the most famous prayer ever. It’s a cool and amazing prayer that Jesus Himself taught us to pray. It’s The Lord’s Prayer and we’re going to say it together right now.
(Use slide 3 to introduce today’s theme)
The Lord’s prayer starts with our greeting to God. ‘Dear God You are our special Father and our King in Heaven’. This week we’re looking at how God is like a very special Father to all of us and our King in heaven.
When we meet someone, greet someone or start a conversation we need to do it in the right way don’t we. We might say, good morning, good afternoon, how do you do, hello, hi there… Let’s look at a drama and see what we make of what’s going on. Can you pick up what’s going wrong with the greetings?
(Two ideas for dramas below which might be used or something similar to suit your group. Dramas should be fun and entertaining, emphasising the way we greet people is important. Leading on from there we look at how important the greeting is that we give to God our heavenly Father.)
Drama (A) - The Charity Collector
Various props and a painted sheet backdrop have been used here to create a mini street scene. However, a large cardboard box lid painted to look like a door is an effective prop on its own.
Characters: House holder and volunteer charity collector
Props and stage set: Front door scene, charity collector’s tin with a few coins in it to jangle.
Charity collector: (knocks on the householder’s door)
Householder: (Opens the door) Hello, may I help you?
Charity collector: Hey, I’m collecting, can you spare some money please?
Householder: (a little indignant and wary) Well I don’t know, I mean what’s all this about?
Charity collector: It’s simple lady, I’m collecting and you’ve got a chance to put a little money in the tin.
House holder: Well I’m not sure, actually I don’t think so, who’s this for?
Charity collector: Look lady I’m a bit busy you know (rattling their tin) I’ve already collected a bit of money but gotta get a bit more. You can just put your contribution in the slot right here. As little or as much as you like.
Householder: (Shutting the door) I don’t think so, goodbye.
Charity worker: (Stands at the door looking bemused) What did I do wrong?
So kids, what did the charity worker do wrong?
Wasn’t polite
Didn’t introduce their self
No explanation of who they were collecting for
Drama (B) - The Queen
Characters: The queen, queen’s attendant (QA), member of the public (MOP)
Props and stage set: crown, chair (throne)
MOP: (Addressing the queen.) Hey, how’s it going luv. Lovely place you’ve got here.
Queen: (Somewhat taken aback but staying composed, posh accent - queen’s attendant looking utterly horrified) Yes, it’s so nice to meet you, I do hope you’ll be staying for lunch.
MOP: Oh yes darlin, wouldn’t miss it for the world.
QA: (Gesturing to try and move the MOP along to lunch but unsuccessfully)
MOP: Hey luv, I do like them little dogs I’ve seen about the place, what ya call them?
Queen: Oh yes, you mean the corgi’s. They are rather delightful are they not.
MOP: They sure are dear, wouldn’t mind takin one of um ome myself. Lovely job, lovely.
Queen: (quite embarrassed) Yes indeed, yes, yes.
MOP: Well, I suppose I’d better be moving along, pick up some of that lovely grub. Nice to meet you darlin.
Queen: (looking utterly shocked) Yes indeed...
QA: (Nodding profusely and again gesturing for the MOP to move on)
Now what would you say is not quite right about this one?
The member of the public was very disrespectful.
It would be a little more appropriate to address the queen as your majesty or ma’am.
Certainly shouldn’t be calling the queen darlin or luv.
BIBLE CHAT - ‘Listen Up Time’ (SLIDE 4)
So kids, in this series we are looking at the really cool prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. The Lord’s Prayer.
What is prayer? } Take some answers and let
Do any of you pray? } the kids engage
Prayer is a conversation with God and we’re looking at just the first part of this prayer.
Earlier in our dramas we saw people greeting other people they were meeting. The Lord’s Prayer begins with Jesus showing us how to greet God our Father.
SLIDE 5 - “Dear God, You are our special Father and our King in Heaven.”
God is like a special Father, a really special Father. He’s kind and loves us very much. God our special Father does what is right, He is good and deserves our attention and respect.
God is King in heaven.
Where do you think heaven is kids? (Take some answers)
Heaven is God’s special place, and is very close to us, in fact it is all around us.
(If you can go backstage where the children can’t see you but by raising your voice, they can still hear you, you might like to do so now to add effect to the next few words you speak.)
It’s like heaven is behind the scenes, we can’t see it but it’s there all the time. And God is there all the time, ready to hear from us.
When we speak to God in prayer He will listen and respond to us in the best way. God may send someone to help us, He may speak to us through the Bible or through Kids Klub. God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes He doesn’t answer straight away but that doesn’t mean He hasn’t heard or isn’t there. He will look after us one way or another.
Here’s an answer to prayer that one of your leaders has had…
(Use a quick and snappy real answer to prayer that one of the team have had here. The testimony must be personal and short so that this time only takes up a couple of minutes, but this is a really important part of this week’s chat! God answers our prayers. Not always in the way we want, but He answers them and we must bear witness to this to the children in our testimonies. Get the team member to make this short, factual, interesting and relevant. Answers to prayer that a team member had when they were young are good as the children can relate to things relevant to a child’s circumstances.)
Kids you might wonder how God can hear all of our prayers; how can God be big enough? Let’s look at this video.
Video clip text
”God is the creator of the whole universe, the galaxies, the world. God is King of all heaven, the planets, space, He is everywhere, He is God.
The universe is huge, the sun is 93 million miles from earth and is so large that earth could fit into it 960,000 times. There are 300 billion stars in our galaxy.
It might seem incredible that God, the God of the whole universe, wants to be your special Father, but He does. God loves you! He loves everyone. Millions of people all over the world praise, worship and follow God.
Because He is God it doesn’t matter who you are or where you live, you can talk to Him through prayer.”
SLIDE 6 - So Kids millions of people all over the world look to God as their special Father.
God wants to look after you. That’s cool isn’t it. Even if you don’t have an earthly father God can be a father to you. You may have an amazing father but God wants to be your father too. Your earthly father may have let you down but God won’t. God loves you, yes, He loves you and me.
So kids, when we pray this special prayer that Jesus God’s Son taught us to pray we begin:
Dear God, You are our special Father and our King in Heaven. How cool is that!
Use this time to talk to the kids about prayer.
Ask the children what they think about the idea of praying to God?
Have they ever prayed?
What did they think about the ‘prayer story’ (testimony) from one of the leaders earlier?
COMPETITION / LORD’S Prayer Art IDEAS / take home sheets
You may like to give the children the opportunity to see who can recite the Lord’s prayer next time you meet. A prize may be given for those who learn this.
The kids might like to write the Lord’s prayer out for themselves and include a decorative border around it. If this is done on a piece of card a small piece of ribbon might be added to enable it to be hung on the wall.
Alternatively, you may give out a sheet with the prayer already printed on it and space around for the children to include their own border design.
Making a book mark is another option. Printed out versions of the prayer can be given out with a bookmark sized piece of card. The prayer could be stuck onto the card and the children then add their decoration.
The Lord’s Prayer Art / colouring sheets below are downloadable from the bottom of this page.
Lord’s Prayer bookmark art
WK1 Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leaders’ Notes
WK1 Lord’s Prayer PowerPoint Slides
God of the Universe Video link - https://youtu.be/Cwohr0VBBLM
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 1 book marks
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 2 kids to add border
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 3 Scroll for kids to add border
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 4 - colouring sheet
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 5 - colouring sheet
The Lord’s Prayer Art - Sheet 6 - colouring sheet