Home > Teaching > Themed Series > Lord’s Prayer Intro > WK4 > Lord’s Prayer Part 5


Week 5 - Staying away from things that can hurt us.

For Leaders:

PowerPoint slides accompanying this week’s material are downloadable from the bottom of this page.

SLIDE 1 - ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ series theme slide
- The Impact Kids version of the Lord’s Prayer written especially for children. (Copyright)

Each week during this series it would be good to say the Lord’s Prayer at an appropriate point early on in your programme. You can make this the opening prayer of the evening.

SLIDE 3 - If required this may be used to remind kids of last week’s theme.

SLIDE 4 - This week’s material covers the fifth part of the prayer “Please protect us and help us to stay away from things that can hurt us.” The umbrella is something that offers protection from rain and sun. By choosing to go under it we can keep these things off us. Today we’re talking about how keeping close to Jesus can help us keep away from things that can hurt us in our lives.
You might like to take along an umbrella and open the session with this thought.

We all know that there are physical things that can hurt us or cause us trouble. Prickly plants, stinging insects, hot things, deep water, sharp things to name but a few. We are often warned about these dangers and it’s good to remind the children never to take risks, ignore warnings or listen to others who might lead them into danger. We also want to show the children that there are other things that can hurt us too. Many things on the internet, TV, social media and even some things that our friends might introduce to us are sometimes quite harmful and we need to guard against them. In praying for protection and help to stay away from things that can hurt us, we need to be mindful of others and seek to protect those around us from harm and danger too. Whatever the circumstances, wherever we are - on the roads, at work, home or when out and about we should always be looking after the safety and wellbeing of one another.

PART 1   

LEAD-IN SESSION Powerpoint quiz

SLIDE 4 - Introduce this week’s theme.

This week in the Lord’s Prayer we are asking God to protect us and help us stay away from things that can harm us.

So let’s think for a few minutes, about things that could hurt us and how we must take care to never ignore warnings, take risks or listen to anyone who might lead us into danger. And remember we must always keep other people safe too.

Here’s a quiz, let’s see what we know about keeping safe, following advice and warnings and taking care of other people too.

PowerPoint Quiz and Leaders’ question /answers sheet downloadable from bottom of this page

Give team points for right answers and good comments about avoiding danger or taking care due to hazards indicated…

Preview of quiz images below - click to enlarge

PART 2   


SLIDE 6 - So kids today’s part of the Lord’s Prayer is
“Please protect us and help us to stay away from things that can hurt us”.

In our quiz earlier, we looked at some things that we need to take note of or keep way from to stay safe.

Now let’s look at this picture. What are all of the people protecting? (Get some responses.)
Yes, they all have some kind of eye protection. Can you tell me specifically what A, B, C and D are protecting their eyes from?

A - Grinding metal
B - Chemicals in a lab
C - A builder on site. Maybe bits of brick and dust.
D - Welding, the brightness of the arc and also any bits.

(To add variety to the chat, as an alternative to using the pics in slide 7, you may like to take along any items of eye protection that you might be able to get hold of in lieu of using PP slide)

It’s so important to look after our eyes.

Our eyes take in lots of information. Our eyes help us learn and take in all of the beautiful and wonderful things of God’s creation. There are things we need to protect our eyes from too. What we see with our eyes can affect our thoughts and our whole life.

We have to be careful what we watch on TV, computers, tablets and mobile phones. God wants to bless our lives with good things and help us to stay away from things that are not good for us. We need to be careful what we look at.

SLIDES 10 and 11
Do you know we can say the same things about what we hear as what we see. There are millions and millions of amazing great things and wonderful sounds to hear.

And, there are other things that are not so good for us to hear, for example, bad language, gossip about other people, rude or dirty talk and lies. If you hear stuff that is no good, then walk away or switch off the TV or radio. Our conscience very often tells us what is OK and what is wrong. If in doubt, don’t listen.

A - Don’t listen to gossip, and people who talk about others in a not nice way.
B - Stick around with positive friendly people
C - Just be careful what you listen to. Not everything you hear on your phone is good.
D - Don’t be influenced by people who say unkind things about others, or use bad language.

And you may have already guessed our hands and feet come into this too.

Our hands are an amazing part of our body. We use our hands all of the time to eat, play, work, have fun, help others... Our hands receive from others and give out. Once again, we will have choices in life, sometimes people try to get us to take things from them that are not good for us. We should never take something that is stolen or drugs or anything that can hurt us. Our hands should always be used in a kind and peaceful way.

Our feet - during your lifetime your feet will take you to many incredible and wonderful places. Many will be not far from your home and other parts of the country. Sometimes other children or older kids might ask us to go somewhere that we know is wrong or we don’t feel good about it. Remember, if in doubt don’t go!

God wants you to have the best life. There are loads of things out there in the world for you to enjoy. Lots of things to do, people to meet and places to go - lots of good stuff. There’s some bad stuff too, things that can hurt us, every day you can pray that God will protect you and keep you away from things that can harm you.

PART 3  


  1. Ask the kids if they have ever had to say no to someone or walk away from something they knew would harm them.

  2. In what ways can you keep yourself safe?

  3. Ask the children to write a prayer asking God to help them make good choices every day. You could use a blank scroll template for this (downloadable below).


  1. Ask the children if they can create an acrostic poem for the word ‘safe’ and give prizes for those who have a go.


WK 5 Lead-in Drama Script, Bible Chat and Response Time Leader’s notes.
WK5 PowerPoint slides
Lead-in Quiz PowerPoint
Lead-in Quiz questions / answers sheet