Today I’d like to tell you about a man we read of in the book of John in the Bible, called Lazarus. He lived in a village called Bethany. You can still go to Bethany in Israel today.
Lazarus lived in Bethany with his two sisters Mary and Martha.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus were great friends with Jesus and whenever He visited them they loved to hear all that he had to say about His Father in heaven. Martha liked to make tea for Jesus and was often busy about the house. Mary and Lazarus on the other hand, always wanted to just sit and listen to all that Jesus had to say.
One day a few weeks before the very first Easter, Jesus was in a place called Jordan. Everywhere Jesus went crowds of people would gather to listen to Him talk about God’s great love for everyone. While Jesus was in Jordan, all was not well down in Bethany – Lazarus was ill.

In fact, Lazarus was very ill. Mary and Martha decided to send a messenger to Jesus to tell Him what had happened to Lazarus and to ask if He could come quickly.
The messenger arrived in Jordan and found Jesus. He told Him that Mary and Martha”s brother Lazarus was very sick. Jesus didn’t go to Bethany right away but eventually he did set off for Bethany with His disciples.
When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Mary and Martha were weeping and very sad. Other friends who had come to comfort them were there too. Lazarus had died and they were mourning for him. “If only you had been here” said Mary and Martha “our brother wouldn’t have died.” Jesus cried with the sisters too. He cares about all that happens to us whether we are happy or sad, He understands how we feel.
“Where have you buried Him?” Jesus said. The two sisters and a crowd of people set off for Lazarus’ tomb. It was in a cave cut out of the rock near the village. A stone had been rolled over the entrance.
Jesus told them to take away the stone. “No!” said Martha, you can’t do that, our brother has been dead for 4 days the smell will be awful “Jesus asked her to believe in Him” Take away the stone” Jesus said.
When the stone had been moved, Jesus prayed to His Father God thanking Him for always hearing His prayers. Then Jesus shouted in a loud voice “Lazarus, come out!”
To everyone’s amazement the ‘dead man’ came out of the tomb all tied up in cloth!
“Untie him and led him go” Jesus said. So they untied Lazarus, he was alive and well. Lazarus had been raised from the dead.
Many of the people who had come to the tomb with Mary and Martha believed in Jesus that day. Lazarus was alive; what an awesome miracle!
Jesus too rose from the dead and we remember this when we celebrate Easter. Jesus has the power over death. Jesus performed a miracle that day in Bethany that I’m sure was never forgotten. You see the Bible tells us that with God all things are possible and Lazarus was living proof of that!