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Week 5 Key phrase slide - Download PowerPoint from the bottom of this page.
Growing the Good Stuff
Week 5 - Kindness
Part 1 - lead in session DRAMA
Outline for Leaders
In Orchard Street Mrs Waterhouse is struggling to weed and tidy her garden. A neighbour steps in to give her a helping hand. Lloyd commends him for his act of kindness.
Characters: Lloyd (Community Policeman), Mrs Waterhouse, Mr Hart.
Props: Front doors numbered 1 and 4, policeman’s helmet, gardening tools, tea mugs, tray, fake weeds and green foliage, artificial flowers.
Orchard Street stage set: Same for each week comprising - cardboard doors, green patch of grass, artificial flowers in flower pots, Orchard Street road sign, house brick cloth back drop.
Sketch - Gardening in orchard street
Various ways to create a garden on stage. Artificial flowers in pots, a few flowers from home. Imitation grass
Narrator: At number 1 in Orchard St today, Mrs Waterhouse is struggling to weed and tidy her garden. Her neighbours’ gardens are all lovely and tidy and she likes her garden to look nice too. The neighbour across the way at number 4, Mr. Hart, has been watching her struggle and decides to give her a helping hand. He goes across with some of his tools.
Mr. Hart: Hi there Mrs Waterhouse, I just wondered if I could give you a hand with the gardening, look why don't you go inside and make us a nice cup of tea while I dig up some of these weeds for you.
Mrs Waterhouse: Well that's very kind of you, I do find the gardening is a bit too much for me these days. I'll go and make us that cup of tea straight away.
(Mr. Hart whistling while he works starts frantically digging up weeds and accidently pulls up a row of petunias)
Narrator: Oh no I think Mr. Hart has got a bit carried away and dug up some flowers that are not weeds! (Mrs Waterhouse comes back outside with a tray of tea and cakes).
Various bits of cardboard packing may be used to make a few weeds.
Mrs Waterhouse: Err Mr. Hart have you seen my petunias, they seem to be missing?
Mr. Hart: Well what do they look like?
Narrator: Out of the corner of her eye she could see her petunias amongst the weeds.
Mrs Waterhouse: Oh no matter, I'm sure they'll come up again next year.
Narrator: Mrs Waterhouse didn't have the heart to tell him he'd pulled her petunias up, mistaking them for weeds. She was so grateful for her neighbour's help and in no time the garden was looking lovely again. A few hours later, Lloyd came past and saw Mrs Waterhouse sitting in her garden.
Lloyd: You've been working hard, the garden looks great.
Mrs Waterhouse: Well it's all thanks to Mr. Hart who kindly weeded the garden for me.
Lloyd: You know it's the little acts of KINDNESS everyday that makes the world a better place.
Narrator: Mrs Waterhouse nodded her head smiling and had to agree.
Part 2 - Bible Chat
This Bible chat is presented using a Modern Day Good Samaritan story on PowerPoint. PowerPoint and leaders’ notes downloadable from the bottom of this page. PowerPoint may be reviewed from the images below, click on the pictures to enlarge
Chat for Kids
Today we are chatting about examples Jesus gave us of how we can show love for others through acts of KINDNESS.
These examples are written down in the Bible so that we can follow them, here is a modern version of one of those examples.
1. Jesus said that we should treat people the same way as we would want them to treat us. Which one of the boys was following Jesus’ instruction? (Rod)
2. Were there other people who could have helped Rod? Why do you think they may have decided not to get involved? (afraid, couldn’t be bothered, didn’t want to take the time, didn’t think it was their problem.)
3. How many ways can you think of that Rod showed kindness to Jake?
(1) He walked home with him.
(2) He hobbled down the road as fast as he could when he saw Jake was in trouble.
(3) He picked Jake’s bag up and helped Jake get up.
(4) He said that he would get the stolen DVD back from Karl.
(5) He walked Jake all the way home even though it was much further on than his house.
(6) He bought Jake an ice-lolly to cheer him up.
(7) He reassured him.
Jesus told a story just like this in the Bible to show us how He wants us to love others by doing acts of kindness. When we help people who are in trouble we show love, just like Jesus asked us to.
What ways can you think of by which you could show kindness to others this week?
No one has ever shown as much love and kindness like Jesus, He even died for every one of us so that all the wrong things we have done might be taken away.
Let’s pray and thank Jesus for all the love and kindness He has shown us. We can also pray that Jesus will help us show love and kindness to others.
Week 5 Lead-in Drama script, Bible chat & response time leaders notes
PowerPoint Week 5 - Key phrase slide
PowerPoint of modern day Good Samaritan parable