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Christmas Chats and Dramas (no 4)

No Room at the Inn - (all-age drama)

For Leaders:

3 simple signs painted onto cardboard

3 simple signs painted onto cardboard

Props needed:

  • Something to represent 3 doors. Each door to have a big sign – (1) The Holiday Inn (2) Premier Inn Bethlehem (3) The Stable Inn.

  • 3 ‘No Room’ signs to be hung on door later in drama one for each door.  

  • Plain black, white or coloured T-Shirts or cultural dress. 

  • Broom and cloth.

Characters: 3 Inn Keepers, Mary, Joseph, donkey

Narrator: (Mary and Joseph start at the one side of the platform and journey towards the back of the church, across the back and wait there until they return to the Bethlehem street at the end of the drama.)  

On that first Christmas about 2000 years ago, Mary and Joseph were journeying to Bethlehem where they had to go to give their names and address to sign up to pay taxes. It was late and getting dark. The day had been so busy that all of the Inns where getting filled up. Let’s join the Inn keepers getting ready to close up for the night.  

Holiday Inn Keeper Anna (by her front door addressing the audience whilst doing a little tidying around her front door, could be sweeping.) Oh what a busy day, we are all full up, (stopping tidying, putting the broom down and putting up a sign ‘No Room’) loads of people in tonight. (Looking across to his neighbour) Hi Jonah, you OK – good day?

Premier Inn Keeper Jonah(by his front door). Fantastic day, thanks Anna, (shaking the front door mat) we’re packed out – great day for business (rubbing his hands together). No room in this place (putting up a ‘No Room’ sign), quite tired now.    

The Stable Inn Keeper Rachel (by her front door having just wiped the front door down with a cloth). All full up then guys are we?

Anna: Yep, no room for another person, (laughingly) not even a mouse!

Jonah: Us too, every bed full and they’re all staying for breakfast that’s a few more pounds (rubbing his hands together).

Anna: How about you Rachel?

Rachel: (Rachel puts down her cloth and reaches for her ‘No Room’ sign). Yes we’ve no room either; I do hope everyone in Town has got a bed tonight.

Anna: Well they’re a bit late if they’ve not got a bed by now.

Jonah: (Rubbing his hands together) The important thing is that we’re full and will take top money tonight.

Rachel: There’s more to life than money you know.

Jonah: Is there really? You better tell me about it sometime.

Rachel: It will be a cold night to be without a bed tonight. 

(The innkeepers finish their conversation and straighten their no room signs in unison.)

Rachel: Good night guys.

Jonah and Anna simultaneously - Good night Rachel.

Narrator: So the innkeepers close up and lock their doors (each of the innkeepers can be heard with bunch of keys locking up).

The town falls silent and everyone is bedding down for the night, doors locked and travellers inside. But wait, oh my, who’s that coming down the street, they are late. But look is it, yes it is, it’s Mary and Joseph surely they’re not looking for a room at this time. I don’t think they’ll find anywhere to stay at this late hour.

Joseph: (Looking down the street.) Oh dear Mary all of the inns have no room signs.

Mary: I’m so tired Joseph, I’ll need to rest somewhere soon.

Joseph: Here goes then we’ll just have to try (arriving at the first door, he knocks but there is no answer). He knocks again.

Anna: Alright, alright I heard the first time. Who is it, what do want at this time?

Joseph: Well, I know you’re full for the night but I just wondered if you had a small space for two more. We are very tired and my wife is expecting a baby, we’ve come a long way.

Anna: I’m sorry but we simply don’t have any room to spare at all.

Joseph: OK thanks, we’ll try somewhere else (Joseph and Mary move on whilst Anna watches them shaking her head)

Joseph: (Knocks on the next door.)

Jonah: (coming to the door) Yes dear (talking to his wife) I know it’s late but I’ll see who it is just in case (then muttering loudly as if wanting to be heard) who on earth could this be, how inconvenient (opening the door and changing to a less grouchy more polite voice). Oh, hello, what do you want, it is rather late and we’re all shut up for the night you know.

Joseph: Well, we were just wondering if you had a little space where we could rest for the night?

Jonah: (Turns to the door front and looks at the no room sign) I’m sorry but can’t you read? 

Joseph: Well yes, but we’ve travelled so far and are very tired couldn’t you just squeeze us in somewhere, we’ll be no trouble?

Jonah: Look, I’m very sorry I’d love to be able to squeeze you in but we simply have no room (as he closes the door).

Joseph: Last one Mary.

Joseph: (knocks the door).

Rachel: Coming (Rachel opens the door). Hello, can I help you?

Joseph: Well, we’ve travelled all day and my wife is expecting a baby. We know your sign says no room but we are so tired, can you help us please?

Rachel: Oh dear, we really are full up, every room is taken, and we’ve even got people sleeping on the kitchen floor. Sorry we couldn’t squeeze another person into our Inn tonight.
(Rachel looks somewhat forlorn as the couple move on down the street.)

Mary: I just can’t go on much further dear, I have to rest.

Rachel: (Staring to look perplexed as she struggles to think how she might help and then turning with a sad face to her door.)

Joseph: I know it’s late but I’m sure something will crop up, Mary.

Rachel: (Suddenly turning back towards the street and then in an outburst, shouting down the street) WAIT! WAIT! We have a stable, it’s not up to much, and with the animals in there as well, but it’s a roof over your heads and I’ll do my best to make it as cosy as I can for you. No beds but we’ve plenty of clean straw. Come on dear, come let’s get you inside.

Mary & Joseph: (Simultaneously) Oh thank you, thank you so much that will be fine.

Narrator: That night Jesus, the Saviour of the World was born, in Bethlehem (recording of baby crying) Shepherds came to visit Him. The inn that gave the stable to Mary and Joseph went down in history in the world’s best ever selling book, the Bible. Make sure you make room for Jesus this Christmas, He came to earth to give His all for you and me and that’s worth celebrating!


Drama Script